Tuesday, June 9, 2009

i think my best days are when i don't have time to use the internet. i like the feeling of being free from twitter and facebook and whatnot. i still love reading blogs because people really put themselves out there and i have some that i just love because they are so real but mostly the internet is just, fun but not my real life.

i love days like today where i had my list and got to cross some things off it. i got to talk some of my very best friends on the phone, see my favorite teacher, watch the kids, and just live.

the oldest boy was having a bad day and he was crying in the car and so i had the 2 other kids go inside and told them i would be back in 20 minutes and drove the boy to get dairy queen. i got him a blizzard and fries and a drink and just talked. he talked about his math test and pressures and how he felt. we went home and i got the 2 younger ones a treat from DQ so they were happy to. the youngest boy was excited to show me his story (9 pages and awesome!) that he wrote. the little girl, well she is pretty cute. we cuddled and watched some disney channel and then went to her baseball game. the kids get to swing until they hit it and there are no real outs so its kind of just, a lot of practice. afterward we did the whole shower/hot cocoa routine and i read to her from ramona forever.

i love feeling useful and helping out and making a difference. its a good feeling to help people. thats a good cure for depression, the blues, whatever you call it, sad or happy, helping always make you smile more. also things that make me smile? a new 2010 pink planner. i am the kind of person that needs new pens to write in it and not any pens but special ones. target tomorrow for sure.

also, tomorrow i meet with the rabbi and i've very excited.

i always start off strong and have trouble finishing but at least i finish. and even when things get hard i get back up. i am proud that i'm not a quitter. i have big inspiration being my parents and my best friend. my mom and bianca are the biggest influences in my life and i am lucky to have them and thankful everyday.

life is good.


Mandy said...

I really enjoyed this post Tiffany. I have been unplugging more and love it, the downside, I miss my blog friends! Still working on finding that balance. =)

Carissa Thilgen said...

"i love feeling useful and helping out and making a difference. its a good feeling to help people. thats a good cure for depression, the blues..."

Love this part. I totally relate. thing is, I haven't felt all that useful or helpful lately. so I need to change that. to get rid of those blues you mentioned...

and I love getting a new planner and new pens. ah, the simple joys in life.